果斯出口哈萨克斯坦国际物流/希姆肯特 索罗克瓦亚 中亚铁路运输哈萨克斯坦国际物流
公司拥有业内先进的装备设施,公司员工队伍经过严格的主营培训,熟练掌握各岗位的专项技能、具有 的主营素质和爱岗敬业的服务精神,截至今年6月21日,经阿拉山口口岸开行的中欧、中亚班列线路有61条,累计开行突破10334列,占全国开行班列总量的近七成,多式联运提单上除列明装货港、卸货港外,还要列明收货地、交货地或目的地的名称以及程运输工具的名称、航次或车次等,首趟冀欧班列(保定~白俄罗斯明斯克)运载41个标准集装箱出口
The company has advanced equipment and facilities in the industry. The staff of the company has undergone strict main training, and has mastered the special skills of each post, the main quality and the dedication to work. As of June 21 this year, there are 61 routes for Central Europe and Central Asia through the Alashankou port, with a total number of 10334 trains, accounting for nearly 70% of the total number of trains in the country. Besides the loading port and unloading port listed on the multimodal transport bill of lading, The name of the place of receipt, the place of delivery or the destination, and the name, voyage or train number of the of transport shall also be listed. The first Ji-Europe train (Baoding to Minsk, Belarus) carries 41 standard containers for export