武汉出口丘库尔塞/马尔吉兰 乌兹别克斯坦跨境公路 铁路运输LCL丘库尔塞
武汉出口丘库尔塞/马尔吉兰 乌兹别克斯坦跨境公路 铁路运输LCL
中哈物流合作基地项目一期工程投产仪式,我司主要经营海运、空运、国际铁路联运、国际船舶代理、仓储,是华南地区伊朗国航(HDS Line)的船东代理,自2013年9月7日中哈两国见证项目签约以来,连云港市将之作为服务丝绸之路经济带建设、促进中哈过境运输合作的重点予以推进,敞车运输:多年的钢材类(卷钢、钢管、铁塔架)运输着主营业务,2017年度一年承运卷钢运输逾千车,为降低运输成本,提高卷钢运输安全性,减少货损,针对钢材类货物物流服务上完善流程,从发运站点(农中、博兴、聊城、德州)上根据各个车站情况优先选择装运效率高的发运站点,运输路线上选择中转、在装车方案上采用立装、在防护措施上细节上精益求精,嘉瑞福致力于打造一个以铁路为特色的国际多式联运服务平台,这个平台是以上海为中心,在华东地区的上海杨浦站、南京北站、连云港东站、宁波北仑港站、无锡南站设立营业部,通过整合国际物流网络资源,为客户提供中亚五国、俄罗斯、欧洲及蒙古的进出口集装箱以及铁路整车运输业务,并通过梯级转移,将业务与全国各铁路公共平台对接
Qingdao Jiaruifu Railway can carry large quantities of large packaging transportation. For example, complete sets of production equipment, production lines, large recreation equipment, refractory materials, etc.
The types of railway cars can be roughly divided into cover cars, flat cars, container cars, etc.
Due to the different weights of various loads, covered vehicles and flat vehicles can carry 60T goods, container vehicles can carry 25T, and special goods need to be approved separately.
Among them, all-railway transportation (self-owned box SOC, rented-box COC, and wagon can be used) to Alataw Pass, Dostyk and the main stations in Uzbekistan.
The first international train from Lianyungang to Tashkent, Uzbekistan, is 5500 kilometers long and takes about 10 days. It is also the shortest international train from China's coastal ports to Central Asia.
3、 Automobile transportation
Automobile transportation is flexible, but it is greatly affected by the weather. It is suitable for small and large batches of transportation, making up for the shortage of air and rail transportation.
According to the national regulations, the weight limit of ordinary vehicles is 30T and the height is not more than 3M. Special vehicles can be loaded according to different types of vehicles, and can carry special goods, extra-long and overweight goods.
It is transported from all parts of the country to Khorgos Port in Xinjiang, and then transferred to the destination of Uzbekistan. This mode of transportation is relatively expensive, about 15 days, and fast.